Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) Scholarships
The Near East University is breaking records in offering over 3700 half-scholarships and 480 full- scholarships to students placed in the university through the ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Centre). Besides, the university offers bundle pricing for 48 departments and reduces the cost of education for families and students allot more.
These scholarships are only awarded to citizens of The Republic of Turkey. The number of scholarships that will be awarded and the number of quotas are determined by the university. After that, available scholarships are published in Higher Education Programmes and Quotas Guide published by ÖSYM.
Candidates get to benefit from these quotas by preferring these programs and quotas in university preference forms.
Evaluation of applications and placement of students to the programs are carried out by the relevant bodies of ÖSYM.
The students who are granted with ÖSYM scholarships are required to score 2.00 out of 4.00 GPA in order to continue benefiting and receiving the granted scholarship. Students who receive a GPA below 2.00, cannot maintain the benefit of the of the scholarship award for the next semester unless they increase their GPA up to 2.00. Students who achieve the minimum required level of GPA (2.00) for benefiting from scholarships regain their scholarship. This process continues for 4 years.
Scholarships for Athletes
The scholarship is given by the educational foundations of the Near East University as an award to aidless students and to those who are currently and actively enrolled in various sport clubs of the university.
Other Scholarship Opportunities
The Near East University offers various scholarship opportunities to aidless students in order to provide them with the opportunity to conduct a higher education as well as encouraging the successful students, and also to increase the academic quality of the Near East University.
Scholarships for International Students
The education scholarships are offered as financial support to Near East University current and prospective students and are granted upon evaluation of the student’s academic merit. The scholarship does not cover the Foundation program, English-Turkish Prep School program, and administration fee. It is valid during the normal duration of the program.
Scholarships Awarded for Citizens of TRNC
Only citizens of TRNC can benefit from this opportunity. The main objective is to provide the students with higher education in their own country, to support the students in need, to encourage and motivate successful students. The candidates are administered an exam that is held annually. The candidates need to start school with Full and/or Half Scholarship within the announced quotas.
*Students who are granted any kind of scholarship are required to sustain 2.00 out of 4.00 GPA in order to continue benefiting and receiving the granted scholarship. Students who receive a GPA below 2.00, cannot maintain the benefit of the of the scholarship award for the next semester unless they increase their GPA up to 2.00. Students who achieve the minimum required level of GPA (2.00) for benefiting from scholarships regain their scholarship. This process continues for 4 years.
Near East University Scholarship Admission for Graduate Studies 2024-2025 Spring Semester
Near East University Scholarship Admission for Graduate Studies 2024-2025 Fall Semester
Near East University Scholarship Admission for Graduate Studies 2023-2024 Spring Semester
Near East University Scholarship Admission for Graduate Studies 2023-2024 Fall Semester
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarship 2022-2023 Spring Semester
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarship 2022-2023 Fall Semester
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarship 2021-2022 Spring Semester
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarship 2021-2022 Fall
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarship 16th of December 2020 till 22th of February 2021
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 1st of June 2020 till 30th of September 2020
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2019 - 2020 Spring
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2019 - 2020 Fall
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2018-2019 Fall-Spring
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2017-2018 Fall - Spring
Below mentioned information is only valid for Master's (with thesis) and Ph.D. programs.
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2017-2018 Fall - Spring details ...
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2016-2017 Fall-Spring
Below mentioned information is only valid for Master's (with thesis) and Ph.D. programs.
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2016-2017 Fall-Spring details ...
Near East University Postgraduate Scholarships 2015-2016 Spring
Below mentioned information is only valid for Master's (with thesis) and Ph.D. programs.
Below mentioned information is only valid for 2015-2016 Spring Term NEU postgraduate Scholarship:
25% 30% 50% 75% 100%Scholarships for Masters and Ph.D. Programs
Please note that the fee on the letter of conditional/acceptance includes course fees, bench fee and thesis. The postgraduate scholarship does not cover foundation courses, English/Turkish Prep School. A minimum of 3.00 CGPA is required for the continuing of the scholarship. If you are unable to provide evidence of your English Proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL) you will have to pass the English Proficiency Exam held at NEU. Original documents are required for registration. Social activity and Health Insurance are payable by the students.